What is the FLOSC Framework?
In Software Engineering and Software Architecture, the “FLOSC Framework” stands for: Freeline Challenge/Quiz Login Email, SocialMedia Login, other platform login Offer Usually a one-time-offer with a sequence Sale The visitor purchases Content After...
The App.js file For A Sacred Scriptures App
import { useState } from 'react'; import { BrowserRouter as Router, Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom'; import Bible from './Bible'; import Quran from './Quran'; import Bhagavadgita from './Bhagavadgita'; import Dhammapada from './Dhammapada'; import...
React Basic Components, The React Router, And Using An External API
First we are going to look at our components, then we are going to put them together, and then we are going to take a look at how we’re communicating with an external API. First a place-holder for spiritual notes … Read...
Code-Along Tutorial: Coding a Sacred Scriptures App With React
Prerequisites: Make sure to have your React environment set up and working. You can learn how to set up React here: You can code along with the Sacred Scriptures App, or you can choose your own subject area…the basic mechanics … Read...
Setting Up A React Project And Brainstorming An App Idea For Practice
Phase 1: The Foundation Introduction Now that you’ve learned the fundamentals of React, it’s time to practice and expand your skills by making a React project from scratch! This assignment is open-ended when it comes to the actual content. You …...
Let’s see if LinkedIn will re-activate my original profile after censoring translations of doctors & scientists speaking about mask-wearing
LinkedIn censored my entire LinkedIn account citing this comment as the reason: ‘Comment posted on Sun, 01 Nov 2020 14:25:12 GMT stating ‘Masks are immune suppressive and they increase infection risk. Christian Drosten sold the world a faked PCR test,...
Is Healthy ScreenTime Possible? (Searching For Solutions 01)
Have you ever had a work or learning phase where you have to put in 12+ hours of ScreenTime per day? @dainisw.michel Asking my TikTok family: What’s the best solution for eye strain caused by computer screens? ♬ original sound … Read...