Let’s make sure we can stay in touch…
To make sure that we can stay in touch, please create an account on this website. My Insiders receive special benefits, mutual support, coupons, free music, collaboration opportunities, and more! We are warmhearted and helpful here!
Lai varētu uzturēt kontaktus (soctīklos kontus dzēš un cenzē), jūties aicināts izveidot kontu manā mājas lapā. Mani insaideri saņem visādus labumus, atlaides, mūziku, savstarpēju atbalstu, pieeju pie īpašām publikācijām, pārdomām, un intervijām…un vēl daudzko citu! Esam silta, patiesa, un iedvesmojoša sabiedrībiņa šeit!
Um weiterhin in Kontakt zu bleiben, bist du/sind Sie eingeladet/n ein Konto hier auf meiner Homepage einzurichten. Meine Insider bekommen Sonderaktionen, Musik, Artikel, Zugang zu Interviews, Kooperationsmöglichkeiten, und viel Gutes mehr. Wir sind eine warme, ehrliche, herzhafte Gruppe, und diese Homepage ist mehr oder weniger einfach ein Telefonbuchersatz für mich!
On the Login/Register page, click the blue “Create Account / Login with Facebook” to either create an account or login with Facebook.
It’s super-fast and super-easy!
You can also press the “Sign up” button and create an account using your email address.
When you upload a real photo like these lovely friends here, you will receive a special perk!
Currently, the special perk is a coupon code to download my award-winning three song special for free!