Dear Truth, Freedom, Health, Joy, and Peace Advocates…
Dear Dr. Andy Kaufman & Team,
What a thrill it is to see a Help Wanted ad that presents the potential of earning ethically while providing a service to humankind.
My heart yearns for these kinds of opportunities.
Below, you will find a long-form application that starts with a video introduction. In it, I mention that I will insert some video clips, but I’ve chosen just to add additional video further on down in the letter, because otherwise my intro video would turn into a feature-length film!
I hope you enjoy our virtual meeting here and look forward to working together either as your webmaster or in another capacity soon.
Intro Video…
Call or message me:
24/7 VoiceMail: +17732883889
Curriculum vitae
Tech Experience Overview Video…
There is not even the slightest bit of technical capacity that I lack, to be able to perform all of the duties required by this job. I built my first websites in the late 90s and am absolutely proficient in all matters WordPress and Web.
Nowadays, a part of a Webmaster’s challenge is to coordinate various plugins and figure out what additional functionality to pay for, what to create custom solutions for, and what functionality looked appealing at the outset, but is actually unnecessary.
Unfortunately, a lot of functionality can start off cheap, but then you start paying more and more — to the point where sites can get quite expensive.
We don’t want your site to be expensive. We want it to work and provide the best user experience possible for a manageable and fair price.
I must admit…
I am a bit “star struck” by this opportunity. From the beginning of the convid fiasco, I have been reading and learning, and I even interviewed Professor Sucharit Bhakdi before he and his wife wrote the book “Corona False Alarm.” I also completed the course “Foundations in Systems Health” with Dr. Shiva.
To the right, I just had my live interview with Dr. Bhakdi, and it was removed from YouTube while preparing this job application. I replaced the full interview with Dr. Bhakdi’s Statement for the Youth.
Your Webmaster Truth Warrior must have the endurance to deal with censorship.
It took a while to come up with this sentence, but it’s been what I’ve come up with to find a middle ground that everyone can be happy with:
Adults have the human right to make private medical decisions for themselves and their children.
Unfortunately, I have suffered to an extreme degree defending medical human rights. From financial persecution with fines, to severe police brutality, to topics unmentionable in an introductory letter, I’ll provide some preliminary details below.
While getting confronted by a mask-enforcer and then 4 police officers for not wearing a mask on a bus in Vienna, Austria, I was filming, and someone asked: “hey what are you, a filmmaker?”
And I replied, why yes, I am, I’m making a maskumentary.
I had a draft version available on Vimeo, until my Vimeo account got disabled.
Could working with you help make releasing the maskumentary documentary a reality?
I completed Dr. Shiva’s study program to gain certification in “Foundations of Systems” in 2021. I mentioned Dr. Shiva quite often while standing up to the police and other governmental “authority figures” while lockdowns and other restrictions were being imposed. Not sure where Dr. Shiva stands on the existence of viruses.
I’ve enjoyed practicing the Martial Arts since the 1990’s. While living in Vienna, Austria, I gained certification as a Shaolin Medicine practitioner and teacher.
At first, I hesitated to respond to a call to be called a Truth “Warrior,” but then I looked into the meaning of the term…
“Basically, what Sitting Bull is saying is that fighting is not the only component or even the most important part of being a warrior. He goes on to explain himself saying, “The warrior, for us, is one who sacrifices himself for the good of others. His task is to take care of the elderly, the defenseless, those who cannot provide for themselves, and above all, the children, the future of humanity.” This is what he was doing at the Battle of the Little Big Horn, fighting for those who needed his protection, and this is also a very good description of the true warrior and the warrior lifestyle.
The warrior lifestyle involves much more than the ability to fight and defend yourself and those you love. It involves developing your character, living a life of honor and integrity, defending those who can’t defend themselves, taking care of the elderly and your family; in short, it involves service to others along with perfecting your character. Many people seem to get hung up on the literal definition of the term “warrior.” The literal definition, which can be found in most dictionaries, defines the term “warrior” as someone who is trained or experienced in warfare.
As far as the warrior lifestyle is concerned, this definition falls far short of being complete. Throughout history, when the term “warrior” has been used, it has carried with it a deeper meaning than simply “someone experienced in warfare.” Warriors have been revered for their character as much as their martial arts skills. The warrior was seen as a man of character, integrity and honor, not simply someone who knew how to fight, or who was experienced in fighting. It is true that the warrior should be skilled in the art of war or in the martial arts, but this is only a small part of being a true warrior.”
@dainisw.michel My contribution to virology: Michels Law!
♬ original sound - Dainis W. Michel
Sometimes I like to do some convid comedy! Hope you like it! 🙂
This one is a bit dark…
@dainisw.michel Klaus Schwab Tells A Little Jokie!
♬ original sound - Dainis W. Michel
Here are some musical and protest highlights…
Zoom zoom zoom in-to the fu-ture
Zoom zoom zoom in-to the dream
Zoom zoom zoom in-to the fu-ture
Zoom zoom zoom
Some-one else de-clared a war
On the mi-cro-bi-al world
But not me, cuz you see
I can live in har-mo-ny
With the smal-lest of mi-crobes
And the lar-gest of beasts (What?)
Cuz I come in peace
We come in peace
We come in peace
We come in peace
We come in peace
Zoom zoom zoom into the future
Zoom zoom zoom into the dream
Zoom zoom zoom into the future
Zoom zoom zoom
Truth, free-dom, health, and peace
Gua-ran-tee hu-ma-ni-ty sur-vives, e-ter-nal-ly
Me-di-cal hu-man rights are soul rights that’s right
Ne-ver to be ta-ken
Ne-ver to be sto-len
On-ly to be che-rished, res-pec-ted, and pro-tec-ted
We’ve made the con-nec-tion
You can change your pro-jec-tions
Cuz… the…
Cops know the sol-diers know we’re all em-po-wered to say no
The cops know the sol-diers know we’re all em-po-wered to say no
The cops know the sol-diers know we’re all em-po-wered to say no
The cops know the sol-diers know we’re all em-po-wered to say no
Me-di-cal fas-cis-m has got to go
Me-di-cal fas-cis-m has got to go
Me-di-cal fas-cis-m has got to go
Me-di-cal fas-cis-m has got to go
Zoom zoom zoom into the future
Zoom zoom zoom into the dream
Zoom zoom zoom into the future
Zoom zoom zoom
I’m not wear-ing a mask ’cause my smile is con-ta-gious
I find your me-di-cal fas-cis-m im-ple-men-ta-tion plan com-plete-ly out-ra-geous
Cuz a-dults have the hu-man right to make pri-vate me-di-cal de-ci-sions for them-selves and their chil-dren
Eu-ge-nics might be your mis-sion but your ger-mo-pho-bic pseu-do-sci-en-ti-fic cult blood ri-tu-als with a-bor-ted fe-tal cell lines based on su-per-sti-tion?
You and your fa-scist masks and
Junk va-ccines
Fa-scist child a-buse and
Fa-scist so-cial dis-tan-cing
Your i-a-tro-ge-nic deaths are com-plete-ly un-ne-ces-sary, in-stead of in-tu-ba-tion, we’ve got like a do-zen cu-ra-tive the-ra-pies.
My ge-ne-tics are mine and not yours pa-tent, ma-ni-pu-late, or mo-di-fy, you sick creeps!
My ge-ne-tic pro-ge-ny is mine and be-longs to my fa-mi-ly — what do you think we are — a-sleep?
Middle section
Now go on and put your hands o-ver your mouths and try to have a con-ver-sa-tion with some-bo-dy next to you.
Be like hmm mm mm mm
ruhruhruh rueh
That’s right yeah yeah, and you can try to an-swer it…
bluh blu-blu-blu rheh rhuh ru reh
mm mm m mm m mm
rmm ruh reh reh hu reh
That’s com-plete-ly in-sane
Even Pas-teur said Ber-nard was right on his dy-ing day
Much re-spect to those who dis-card false be-liefs a-long the way
From being mis-led and con-vinced to be ger-mo-phobes, we’re a-chie-ving sy-ner-gy and mu-tual-ly be-ne-fi-cial re-ci-pro-ci-ty with the mi-crobes!
We de-clare peace with the mi-cro-bi-al world!
We de-clare peace with the mi-cro-bi-al world!
We de-clare peace with the mi-cro-bi-al world!
We de-clare peace with the mi-cro-bi-al world!
Zoom zoom zoom into the future
Zoom zoom zoom into the dream
Zoom zoom zoom into the future
Zoom zoom zoom
Don’t forget to add the bowl from the wall
The church bells
and the thunder
So many videos removed! In general — large audiences live — on FB then removal.
Over the next couple years, I am going to need to fend off these maniacs in court, so if us Truth Warriors could stick together, it would really mean a lot to me.
LinkedIn account restricted for translating a panel discussion on masking. FB accounts repeatedly restricted. Paid Vimeo account deleted for questioning the effectiveness of masking. Tinder account — banned — no reason given and they kept taking money from my CC for a year and a half, because you need to log in to cancel your subscription — but I could not log in because I’d been banned — and they would not tell me why.
I thought it might be fun to make a “Save The World Game,” so I bought the domain and made this preview video…
Unfortunately, I was recognized at a restaurant as that guy who sings the song questioning the pandemic, and these young men dressed up in police uniforms came and nearly killed me…
It would be an honor to work for you, Andy. I promise I will do an excellent job should you choose to hire me.
Dainis W. Michel
PS: I am going to leave some notes about what I could add to this application over the next few days below…and I’ll leave my template content (which I usually use to apply to other positions).
Potential things to add to this letter:
- the 3K shares speech to the Latvian police image
- the 1K shares of my talk “to” the PM of Latvia Krišjānis Kariņš
- add screenshots about masks and kids — and the studies
- add the link to the show — when i got interviewed and called Latvias most courageous musician
- add the fees and fines
- add the Brivvalsts TV interview
- Teaching at the illegal schools — Rutinjas dziesma
- add the illegal concert video lai top miilestiibaaaa!
- screenshots of publications on my website re letter to the ministry of health. show the deleted info YT etc
- add inventions including sathwoga if i still own the domain
- possibly add VarioWipes promo video
- possibly add information about my permission-based advertising software
…a bit of — i am going to need to fend off these maniacs in court — so if us Truth Warriors could stick together it would really mean a lot to me
Idea: yes i can handle the job on my own — but if there is someone out there and you just can’t decide between the two of us — maybe hire us both and we can team up and make a company that cooperate on providing provides websites to truth warriors.
Skumjā daina
Debess valdniece
...fantastic resource for musicians...
"Around 3 months ago, I stumbled upon Dainis' website when looking for resources on composition. I sent him an e-mail asking about his book "How to Write Your Songs Down", wondering about its content and If I stood to gain anything from it, being a student at Berklee College of Music. He replied telling me that I should indeed give it a go.
I used this book to supplement my studies at school, and after completing it, I have nothing but good things to say about it! Firstly, let me assure you that the content in this book is extremely well written and thought out, appealing to both beginners and experienced musicians. To some, I am sure that the exercises inside will appear incredibly simplistic, but do not be fooled by this! These exercises are both unique to this book, and I can say firsthand that they are quite effective.
A key component of this book is, obviously, writing your music down by hand. I cannot stress enough about how important writing music down by hand in some way is. Before reading this book I worked entirely in a computer for my notation, and only wrote by hand when it was absolutely necessary, but after applying this book to my musical actives, and doing some research on
how the human brain acquires and processes information, I write everything down by hand before entering into the computer. The result is that I make far fewer mistakes in every composition and feel like I have a much greater control over everything that's on the page.
In conclusion, I would like to thank Dainis for his incredible caring and kindness for fellow musicians, and for writing such a fantastic book. I dearly hope that as time goes by, this gets the recognition it deserves as a fantastic resource for musicians who want a jump start when it comes to composition.
Akash Thakkar (Berklee College of Music Student, Boston, Massachusetts)"
More about Akash...
Introducing Akash Thakkar: Composer/Sound Designer for games, animation, & film.
Congratulations that your project "Hyper Light Drifter" was nominated for 5 awards at the Game Developer's Conference in 2017, including excellence in audio. We hear it was the #1 selling game on Steam globally upon its release -- awesome!
Take Akash's free Game Industry Freelancing: 101 course by registering here:
Uni Wien Doktoratszulassung und einige Zeugnisse
Courtyard Cafe Evaluation Samples 1990s
Computer Training Evaluations Samples 1990s
Surrounding Flutes
Daži piemēri
Musicoin Profīls…f5c28a48c6
Sarakstītas Grāmatas
Sight Singing for the 21st Century
How To Write Your Songs Down
Edmunds Rumplers, mans vecākais students ar 70+
Studentenwerk: Zwa Kazibam
May Yue
Watch my video about how the Profitable Virtual and Physical Business Integration process Dainis W. Michel is guiding me through is helping my business. Highly Recommended.
Akash Thakkar
I would like to thank Dainis for his incredible caring and kindness for fellow musicians, and for writing such a fantastic book. I dearly hope that as time goes by, this gets the recognition it deserves as a fantastic resource for musicians who want a jump start when it comes to composition.
Emily Sanders
“This is one of the most complete collections of practical songwriting resources and ideas, both for creative inspiration and for a myriad of professional musical skills. Easy to access and great fun to read, these books are a must for the serious songwriter. Dainis’ insight into the artist’s mind is exceptional!”
Lesley Pinkett
“I am truly impressed with both the quantity and the quality of the information in “How to write your songs down” by Dainis W. Michel. There has been a tremendous amount of work into this project and the result is a stunningly simple explanation of song writing techniques.”
Michael Schelle
“You always make me proud – as a musician but, more important, as a wonderful human being and exceptional dad!”
Let Me Lend a Helping Hand
My experience includes the following projects and employers: