Best Covid Questions

The Test

If the PCR test itself is not capable of detecting infection, why are you continuing to use it as an assessment tool?

Why were covid-19 tests purchased by some countries as early as 2017?

Dagmar Hnilicka
Erkennt der PCR Test überhaupt den Unterschied zw. C19 und allen anderen Coronaviren? Und wenn ja wie soll das gehen wenn der nur die RNA des Genoms eines Virenteilchens feststellt?

Why does the media say they are testing for COVID-19 when in fact they are testing for SARS-CoV-2?

If Covid19 is extremely infectious, in order to test it, why are saliva or mucous samples not enough? Why do testers jab a swab deep into the nasal cavities of testing victims?



Since it’s impossible to determine whether covid deaths were deaths caused by covid infection or deaths with covid (due to other causes), when will our government declare the pandemic over and lift all covid-related restrictions?


The Statistics

Infections vs. Sickness


Curative and therapeutic possibilities

Considering the convincing curative, preventative, and therapeutic results reported by Dr. Zelenko, with HCQ, zinc and azithromycin or doxycycline, will your governmental agency also press mass murder or crimes against humanity charges against individuals who withhold the treatment from the population?…/…vjlTR/view…dgwpQ/edit


The Masks

Carmen Cita
Wo sind die Gift müll Tonnen für die Masken?


Where is the proof that covid-19 is infectious or contagious?

Latviešu valodā

Jo maskas izraisa uz sejas un plaušās bīstamus izsitumus, vai varat apsolīt, ka Latvijā nekad obligātu masku valkāšanu neieviesīs?

Ja Kovid19 slimība ir tik lipīga, kā stāsta, kamdēļ jāurbj dziļi degunā ar testa kociņu? Kāpēc nepietiek siekalu vai puņķu analīze?

Jo PCR tests nespēj infekciju atklāt, kamdēļ šī neefektīgā testa rezultātus lieto kā rādītāju Latvijā?

Kamdēļ lieto anti-bakterielu “dezinfekcijas” (un vispāri smirdīgus) līdzekļus, lai pretoties vīrusam? Vai tas nav nepareizais līdzeklis, un vai tiešām kaut kas tik smirdīgs var būt veselīgs?

Vai varat lūdzu pierādīt vīrusa eksistenci, un vīrusus atšķirt no nevainīgiem un mūsu ķermeņiem vajadzīgiem eksosōmiem?

Trīs atvērtas vēstules…en-letter/

Ar to ka simtiem

“There is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore.”

“Nav mediciniska iemesla jel kādām krīzes rīcībām no valsts puses.”

“The test does not measure how many viruses are present in the sample. A real viral infection means a massive presence of viruses, the so-called virus load. If someone tests positive, this does not mean that that person is actually clinically infected, is ill or is going to become ill.”

Šobrīd parakstījuši:

Why are we testing if we know there are many false positives and that it is not an indication of infection?

Dr. Shiva

Dr. Bhakdi

Skatiens uz auglību

The Füllmilch lawsuit – against Drosten – who is the “Drosten” of Latvia?

Naīvi, manipulatīvi, vai apdraudēti. Vai pastāv specifisks drauds: ja Latvijā nebūs lokdauns un maskas, tad piem zināmu poltiķu bērniem kas slikts notiksies (būs neauglīgi, izraisīs vēzi, nogalinās), vai specifisks naudas piedāvājums ja Latvijā ievieš tālākus lokdaunus un obligātās maskas?

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