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  • Curriculum vitae var no šīs privātās lapas lejuplādēt
  • Daži muzikāli piemēri ir šeit pieejami
  • Esmu pieejams, ja būtu kādi jautājumi
  • Ja papildus informācija ir vajadzīga, prasiet droši!


Dainis W. Michelis


Rūtiņas skaistā dziesma

by Rūta Vītola-Laube

...fantastic resource for musicians...

"Around 3 months ago, I stumbled upon Dainis' website when looking for resources on composition. I sent him an e-mail asking about his book "How to Write Your Songs Down", wondering about its content and If I stood to gain anything from it, being a student at Berklee College of Music. He replied telling me that I should indeed give it a go.

I used this book to supplement my studies at school, and after completing it, I have nothing but good things to say about it! Firstly, let me assure you that the content in this book is extremely well written and thought out, appealing to both beginners and experienced musicians. To some, I am sure that the exercises inside will appear incredibly simplistic, but do not be fooled by this! These exercises are both unique to this book, and I can say firsthand that they are quite effective.

A key component of this book is, obviously, writing your music down by hand. I cannot stress enough about how important writing music down by hand in some way is. Before reading this book I worked entirely in a computer for my notation, and only wrote by hand when it was absolutely necessary, but after applying this book to my musical actives, and doing some research on

how the human brain acquires and processes information, I write everything down by hand before entering into the computer. The result is that I make far fewer mistakes in every composition and feel like I have a much greater control over everything that's on the page.

In conclusion, I would like to thank Dainis for his incredible caring and kindness for fellow musicians, and for writing such a fantastic book. I dearly hope that as time goes by, this gets the recognition it deserves as a fantastic resource for musicians who want a jump start when it comes to composition.

Akash Thakkar (Berklee College of Music Student, Boston, Massachusetts)"

More about Akash...



Introducing Akash Thakkar: Composer/Sound Designer for games, animation, & film.

Congratulations that your project "Hyper Light Drifter" was nominated for 5 awards at the Game Developer's Conference in 2017, including excellence in audio. We hear it was the #1 selling game on Steam globally upon its release -- awesome!




Take Akash's free Game Industry Freelancing: 101 course by registering here: http://akashthakkar.com/


Studentenwerk Felix Marks. He was unable to make orchestral scores and wanted to prepare a score for a competition. We worked out his house style and this is a page along the way during his process…

Daži piemēri

Musicoin Profīls



Sarakstītas Grāmatas

Sight Singing for the 21st Century

How To Write Your Songs Down




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Shelf Wood
Shelf Wood
Shelf Wood

Books and Reports

Grāmatu Autors


Sight Singing for the 21st Century

How To Write Your Songs Down


May Yue

Watch my video about how the Profitable Virtual and Physical Business Integration process Dainis W. Michel is guiding me through is helping my business. Highly Recommended.

Akash Thakkar

I would like to thank Dainis for his incredible caring and kindness for fellow musicians, and for writing such a fantastic book. I dearly hope that as time goes by, this gets the recognition it deserves as a fantastic resource for musicians who want a jump start when it comes to composition.

Emily Sanders

“This is one of the most complete collections of practical songwriting resources and ideas, both for creative inspiration and for a myriad of professional musical skills. Easy to access and great fun to read, these books are a must for the serious songwriter. Dainis’ insight into the artist’s mind is exceptional!”

Lesley Pinkett

“I am truly impressed with both the quantity and the quality of the information in “How to write your songs down” by Dainis W. Michel. There has been a tremendous amount of work into this project and the result is a stunningly simple explanation of song writing techniques.”

Michael Schelle

“You always make me proud – as a musician but, more important, as a wonderful human being and exceptional dad!”

Let Me Lend a Helping Hand

My experience includes the following projects and employers:

dainis w michel