Sight-Singing For The 21st Century (eBook)




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Warning: You might just become an all-out expert at SightSinging if you decide to buy this eBook…

Sight-singing method eBook CoverTurn Sight-Singing into a JOY instead of a PAIN

Learn to Sight Sing NOW!

This eBook gives you the critical information you need in order to be able to sight sing.

Imagine breezing through your part in choir or singing away at church…even if you’ve never heard or seen the song before! If you’re a music student, imagine acing your aural skills tests. For adults, children, beginners, and advanced musicians…this method works.

What will it feel like when people start following you at rehearsals instead of you needing to follow them?

If you’ve been confused or disappointed by other methods, then my method can straighten everything out.


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