
Write YOUR Song Now!


At the end of our process, you will have a professional lead sheet of your song (melody and chords).



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This is a limited time discount for you to work with me personally to bring one of your songs to completion.

At the end of our process, you will have a professional lead sheet of your song (melody and chords).

You (or your child) will have composed a song, completely.

You will be able to give the score to musicians, and they will be able to play and/or record the song.


You will have that amazing feeling that comes with professional composition. You hand musicians a score, and they play.

In general, we have 3 30-minute online sessions. You present the song  to me as is — the way the song is now — the lyrics, the melody and chord changes, etc. We discuss some arrangement options and make some compositional decisions. We assess how far along you are in the process of understanding musical notation, and I help you move as far along as we can in the scoring process.

For this lesson package, my standard fair use policy applies, and I may need to just “do the score for you,” and that’s OK. That’s what this product is about. I will coach you and teach you, but will also just fill in the gaps where skills don’t allow for you to create a professional-quality lead sheet on your own.

Should my input create output and recording differences, professional arrangement and/or co-writing fees will apply. (Co-writing tops out at 50/50. Arranging fees range from under 10% to about 20%). We determine that during the process depending on how many changes you make based on my input. My baseline is 17.31% of future royalties and publishing. It is in every artist’s best interests to proceed with fair financial contracts.

Should you have legal concerns regarding co-authors and “clearing” your music, we can discuss those fundamentals as well.

The “end result” of this lesson package, though, is a completed, professional-quality lead sheet.



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