TTTech Technical Writer Job Application

Dear TTTech HR Team,

Please allow me to introduce myself via the video below:

[flv][/flv] Video Download FLV (87.4 MB)

I can provide several references and am happy to speak with your team in person about your needs and how I can help. I am committed to a high standard of professionalism and ethics, and am grateful for your time and attention.

In my email, I attached a writing sample, and here are links to my resumes (one in English and one in German).

Resume in English
Resume in German

Question: What makes technical documentation great?
My Answer: Excellent technical documentation enhances internal efficiency, increases user satisfaction, and drives sales.

Question: Doesn’t everyone hate technical documentation? I mean, no one reads it, right?

My Answer: Everyone hates poorly written technical documentation, that is correct. But users LOVE having just the right information delivered to them at just the right time!

Feel free to get in touch!

Dainis W. Michel
Auhofstrasse 51/1/1
1130 Wien
Tel: +436605157333


dainis w michel